FY 2024 Rivers Edge III Adopted Budget Community Development District General SSCGAeesaesrrnpeiieieestssrasa ml22 lR 00eFFe22nuus11tnnes ddr ADAv meBNellbu oaoFtcdrru arStgniatezeitdarotivvtniieocne FSuchnedd Buuledget PPPPPPaaaaaaggggggeeeeee 111113--012429-13 Rivers Edge III Community Development District TABLE OF CONTENTS Adopted Actuals Projected Total Adopted Budget as of Next 3 Projected Budget Description FY2023 6/30/23 Months 9/30/23 FY2024 Revenues Assessments-ADMedisvmceeilnollipasnetrrea oCtuoivsnT eIt nraAixcsb oRsumeotsileosl/mnIsnetnetrse ostn Unplatted Land $$$$ 25 789805,,,959 -515001 $$$$ 28 778 3819,,,,692605258005 $$$$ 7 ---50 $$$$ 28 778 4819,,,,392655258005 $$$$ 1 , 22 378 4180,,,,559950555000 Total Revenues $ 955,411 $ 1,243,433 $ 750 $ 1,244,183 $ 1,595,956 Expenditures IILPPTTAAAAOODDDDDWnnroeiiiiftreursdnfssssefshigsbulsimonentttsebucaeetissrrrureptestalrsrit,iiii mrm na ihAgacccLsne SCtalientttmeoui gdeasigAu cn cCEM n tpFtve&Aereueiranoepeeonrnadatd gueBrlennsittmiiiostnn eeiti naAiTvnnssstisgedne dee ieCe&Anmiclimrhsnggh Staiegennrurnnaoibgtsttlestiosocrgranyitpiotinons $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 22 111134555558 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 000025588800111268000000000200005557000000000200000005 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 12 112555714 ,,,,,,,,, 003668803 13389 - 001258906 4700017 000445805 64800235 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 1370 ,,,, 0116 11134668 ------019300045778028500024567 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 22 111135555758 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 000025568800111268000000001900005557000000004400000005 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 22 111135556859 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 000123577906111268000000015708005557000000026800000005 Total Administrative $ 89,747 $ 67,355 $ 25,278 $ 92,633 $ 96,351 IISSFLLLCEGOrrttiaaalotrerrerrhknnosceeliideggtddeutee raa r SssttMnO ttih ccRaLdciipaaaaooniseeppigrnnd npMrheee taaRWD tLCMeaitierrnniiaoanoap ana>nitniaendnnte isrRicstrnan eeMcUsegagna pensaeapa lencMnnaniednccacay eggeMimn-e maRteeiinnenvnttaeestnrn (scaV eEnedcsegtea ) $$$$$$$$$$$ 12 107 177319,,,,,, --025824 ---002058005056 $$$$$$$$$$$ 12 2634 3882434 ,,,,,,,-- 0671144 2 -0552636501701583 $$$$$$$$$$$ 448 2458045 ,,,,,,,-- 0025078 2 -0009024400080257 $$$$$$$$$$$ 113 113027 8123479 ,,,,,,, --10011125 -0456288001790360 $$$$$$$$$$$ 141 1111266 55 350003827,,00,,,,,,,,,0000068090000000021700000000667 Total Grounds Maintenance $ 410,266 $ 484,843 $ 190,611 $ 675,455 $ 730,420 CCGAAMooemmanssieentte nntSSreiihhattnlyyaa aMrr CMneeaec AAannenamm tSaegegeererennrvr ii(tti V(cyyVee-- e s(RRsVtiiatvvea)see)trrass) EEddggee II $$$$$ 131368,,58 ---3599 $$$$$ 120347,, 14 ---1299 $$$$$ 3749,, 17 ---1400 $$$$$ 131368,,58 ---3599 $$$$$ 2 2344 71468,,,,,705769358213566 Rivers Edge III Community Development District OpGeernaetirnagl FBuunddget 1 Adopted Actuals Projected Total Adopted Budget as of Next 3 Projected Budget Description FY2023 6/30/23 Months 9/30/23 FY2024 Rivers Edge III Community Development OpGeernaetirnagl FBuunddget District Lifestyle Director (Vesta) - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,627 $ Lifeguards (Vesta) - $ - $ - $ - $ 47,390 $ Facility Attendant (Vesta) - $ - $ - $ - $ 26,371 $ Pool Maintenance (Vesta) - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,000 $ Janitorial (Vesta) - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,305 $ Security Monitoring - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,800 $ Security Guards - $ - $ - $ - $ 25,000 $ Telephone - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,500 $ Insurance - $ 3,757 $ - $ 3,757 $ 75,000 $ Fitness Equipment Lease - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ Window Cleaning - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ Pressure Washing - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ Pool Chemicals (Poolsure) - $ - $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ Natural Gas - $ - $ - $ - $ 500 $ Electric - $ - $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ Water & Sewer - $ - $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ Amenity Repairs and Replacement - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ Refuse - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ Pest Control - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,600 $ Fire Alarm System and Maintenance - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000 $ Access Cards - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ License / Permits - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,800 $ Speical Events - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ Holiday Decorations - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ Office Supplies / Postage - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ Capital Expenditures - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,500 $ Total Amenity Center 455,398 $ 345,306 $ 113,849 $ 459,155 $ 739,185 $ General Reserve Fund - $ - $ 16,941 $ 16,941 $ 30,000 $ Total Expenditures 955,411 $ 897,503 $ 346,680 $ 1,244,183 $ 1,595,956 $ Excess Revenues (Expenditures) - $ 345,930 $ (345,930) $ - $ - $ 2 Rivers Edge III Community Development District General Fund 3 REVENUES: Developer Contributions The District will enter into a Funding Agreement with Fund expenditures for the Fiscal Year. the Developer to fund the General Assessments taTThrhheeee ds DDeiiri ssaettrcrreitic cbtct io tlwlolel iedlfclu ttlneeodvd t y hao ea np ln oatohrnntedi oaoSndwt. - onvJofae hlrtoh.n rese GmCeo snupenertcayil a TOla apxse sRreaostlsilnm fgoe rEn xpt ploaentnt aedldilt tulaarxneadsb sfl.oe rUp trnhopepl aefitrsttecyad wl lyaitenhadirns. Administrative Assessments rTDehilseat trDiivciets ttaroinc tdth wea birleul dlaeglvelyot ecaad t nGeosen nu-evpraoalnlo Ar etdhmme isnppieesrtccriaealnt itavasegs ceeo ssostmfs esounf cttshh eou nDn iudsnterpvieclatlp.t peedd l aunndi tws ipthlainn nthede Miscellaneous Income Ianncdo rmeecr reeacteioivneadl fprroomgr aacmce rsesv ceanrudes., r ental fees, miscellaneous deposits, insurance claims, EXPENDITURES: Administrative: District Engineer rsTeehvrevi eiDcweis sitn trovic ottih’csee seD,n eigstitcnr. iecetr, iin.eg. afitrtmen, dParnocses earn, dIn pcr, ewpailrl abtieo np rfoovri dminogn tghelyn ebroaal redn mgieneeteirnignsg, District Counsel osTephreevr iDacteiissnt grtoi &c tt ’hmse al eDingitsaetl rnciacontu,c nie.es ce. ola,n tKtterinlaidcntassnk, ice etVc aa. nnd W pyrekp, aPrLaLtCio nw filol rb me opnrtohvliyd minege gtienngesr, arle vleiegwal Rivers Edge III Community Development District General Fund 4 District Management The District receives aMraen faugrethmeern otu Atlginreeedm i nMe nEatxn whaigibtehimt G“eAon”vt eo, rAfn tcmhceoe uMnntaatniln aMgg aeanmnadeg neAtmd Amegnirnte iSesemtrrvaetincitve.e s ,s LeLrCvi. cTehse asse psaerrtv iocfe as Assessment Administration RAonlnl.u al fee to Governmental Management Services, LLC for preparation of Assessment Dissemination Agent 1Tbo5hn(ec dD) (iis2sst)ru-i1ec2st .(i bs )r(e5q)u, iwrehdi cbhy trheela Steesc utroi tayd adnidti oEnxachl arnepgeo rCtoinmgm riesqsuioirne tmo ecnotms pfolyr wuinth-r Ratuelde Information Technology laRicmecpoitrueendset intnotg s v scioodfsettwos arcreoelna, etfeetcdre. t noc tinhge Dseisrtvriiccet’ss, icnlfoourdm asttioorna gsey ssteemrvsi,c wesh iacnhd i nscelruvdeer sb,u st eacruer nitoyt, Website Maintenance upcRrpeeerlpaofrotaeerdsdmse ,nai hnntos ca setcth icneoa gsrc sdoaeansstndssc m deao sewsmnotiatcshii,n a t Csreehedcna upwerwtiiettarhyl s1m,a 8wno9nde, i bFtsofliiorrtireeni wdbgaa aa clnlSk tduam ptmuasa,ti neeinsttec.t a.nT ianhniencsege, tshueepr vdDiaicstetesrs i,ic ntd’cslo uwcdueemb sseiintteet Annual Audit TInhdee Dpeisntdriecnt ti sC reerqtiufiierded P aunbnliuc aAllcyc otou ncotinndgu Fcitr man. audit of its financial records by an Trustee Fees TRDheisvete rTnicrutu’ess tBbeooenn addts iU.s . sSTu.h eBe. A aNmKo audnmt rineipsrteesres nthtse tDheis tarnicntu’sa lS efereie fso 2r 0t2he1 aCdampiitnails Itmraptrioonv eomf ethnet Arbitrage pDTehisretf roDircmits’st tr hi ceBt ociansld csrue.l aqTtuhioiern esDd. i sttor icatn nwuialll lcyo nhtarvaec ta wn iathrb aitnr aigned erpeebnadtee ncta lacuudlaittiinogn foirnm t htoe Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Rivers Edge III Community Development District General Fund 5 Postage Mailing of agenda packages, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Printing & Binding Printing and Binding agenda checks, stationary, envelopes, e ptca. ckages for board meetings, printing of computerized Insurance ITnhseu Drainstcreic At’lsli Ganecnee r(aFlI ALi)a. bTilhitey a &m Pouubnlti cis O bfafisceiadl su Lpioanb iplirtiyo rIn yseuarra’sn pcer epmoliiucmy iss. with Florida Legal Advertising eTthce. iDni sat nriecwt issp raepqeuri roefd g teon aedrvale crtirisceu vlaatrioionu s notices for Board meetings, public hearings Other Current Charges dTuhrisin ign tchlued yeesa rb abnyk t hceh Darigstersi catn. d any other miscellaneous expenses that are incurred Office Supplies Miscellaneous office supplies. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions f$To1hr7e 5 D. iTsthriisc tis i sth ree oqnuliyre edx ptoen psaey u annd earn tnhuisa lc afeteeg toor yt hfoer D thepe aDritsmtreicntt. of Community Affairs Grounds Maintenance: Cost Share Landscaping - Rivers Edge Sdhevareelodp cmosetnst w anitdh eRsitviemrast Eeddg ceo CstDs.D for landscaping. Cost share is based on future Field Operations Management (Vesta) aoTsphseeer taDst,i iscotonrmisc mtm hoaanns ag gcreoomunnterdnastc, t taeond d ow vseeitrrhsv eiVceee a spltlra od vPairydo-etpores-r.d t ayy Soeprveircaetsio, nIn ocf taol l ptrhoev iDdies trfiiecltds Landscape Maintenance TDhiset rDicits tarnicdt Acmonetnriatcyt eCde nwteitrh. Yellowstone to maintain the common areas of the Landscape Contingency A provision for additional landscape features or for repair of existing landscaping. Rivers Edge III Community Development District General Fund 6 Irrigation Repairs and Maintenance The cost of miscellaneous irrigation repairs and maintenance incurred. Lake Maintenance The District is in contract with Charles Aquatics, Inc for future ponds coming live in FY24. Irrigation Water Use Estimated costs for water, sewer, and irrigation billed to the District by JEA. Electric Estimated costs for electric billed to the District by FPL. Streetlighting Estimated costs for electric billed to the District by FPL. Street and Drainage Maintenance The estimated costs for street and drainage repairs. Other Repairs and Maintenance Estimated costs for other repairs and maintenance incurred by the district. Cost Share- Landscaping Rivers Edge Shared costs with Rivers Edge CDD for landscaping. development and estimated costs. Cost share is based on future Repairs & Replacements RAemperneisteyn Ctse nretegru. lar cleaning, supplies, and repairs and replacements for District’s Location Meter Monthly Annual 34C03o08n tDMinaeghaeldniaoc wFyac frlolesre D knr eDwr accounts 8899284812680108 $$$ 155014000 $$$ 166,,,016028000 Total $ 13,800 Location Account Monthly Annual 4C3o5n tMinegaednocwy Cforre enke Dwr a#cIcRoRunts 9443314324 $$ 110500 $$ 11,,280000 Total $ 3,000 Rivers Edge III Community Development District General Fund 7 Amenity Center: Cost Share- Amenity Rivers Edge Shared costs with Rivers Edge CDD for amenities. development and estimated costs. Cost share is based on future Cost Share- Amenity Rivers Edge II dSheavreelodp cmosetnst w biuthild Roiuvte arns dE desgteim IIa CteDdD c foosrt sa. menities. Cost share is based on future General Manager Tmhaen Dagisetmriecnt th, afas cciolintytr aadcmteidn wistitrha tVioenst, aa nPdr osppeerctiya lS eevrevnicte cso, oInrdc.i ntoa tporro sveidrvei cgeesn. e ral amenity tTAhhmee eA Dnmiistetynr iiMcttya cCnoeanngttreearrc .t ed with Vesta Property Services to provide management services for Maintenance Services cTmohamein mtDeoinnsat grnirccoetu nahdnasds acrroeepan.at rirasc tende cewsistahr yV efosrta upPkroepeper toyf Stheerv iAcmese, nIintyc Ctoe ntperro vaindde Lifestyle Director iaTmchtpeiv lDeitmiisetesrn iactnat dthi oaesnn ,ct eoarnnttadri anscmutepeden rwtv fiiotshrio tVnhe eso rtfae stPhidreoe pndetasry tl-yitv oSi-nedrgav ayict estsho,ec I incaocl, m torme pcurronevaititydio.e n palla ngnroinugp, Lifeguards/Pool Attendants lTifheeg uDarisdtsr/icotr phoaosl actotenntrdaacnttesd d uwriinthg tVhee sotpa erPartoinpge rsteya soSner fvoirc eths,e pInoco.l . to provide pool Facility Attendant cTeenhnfeot eDrcri esttmori ecgntr the. a est cpoanttrroancst,e dp rwoivtihd Vinegs tfaa tcoil iptryo vtoiduer sc,o imssmuaunncitey ofaf cailcitcye sssta cffa frodrs t haen da mpeonliictyy Pool Maintenance tThhee A Dmisetnriictyt iCse unntedre rS wcoimntmraicntg w Piothol sV.e sta Property Services, Inc. for the maintenance of Rivers Edge III Community Development District General Fund 8 JcTalheneai ntDoiinrsgitar filoc Srt eitshr veui nAcdemeser nciotny tCraecntt ewri. th Vesta Property Services, Inc. to provide janitorial Security Monitoring Mmaoinnitteonrianngc eb yc. osts of the security alarms/cameras provided by Sonitrol and quarterly Security Guards roTefhfiiemc edb iutsort rspiecrmot viesind cte of oonrftfr -Dadciusttterydi c pwta Ptitrrhoo lpG. eidrtdye ants $S1e5c.u3r4it/yh otou rp aronvdi d.5e6 s/emcuilrei tayn dp aSttr. oJlosh annsd S hmeirleriafgf’es Telephone bTyh eA Tes&tiTm. ated cost for telephone and Internet services for the Amenity Center provided Insurance sbTApuhmedeec ginDeaitlitiseyztd era isncr tdei'np so rtPpehrsreoeorpnv Deitdsri sitntytrhg iI ecni tns efusasurctairimlanitncaiceetee sp .d co olpivcreyer maisgi uewm ti othf o gFro lvoperrriodnpame Irentnyst uairln asanugcreean nAccileelis a.r ne clTeah t(eeFd Ia Amt)o.o FuthInAet Fitness Equipment Lease eTqhuei pDmisetnritc. t has contracted with Municipal Asset Management, Inc. to rent fitness Window Cleaning The District will have windows cleaned inside and outside three times a year. Pressure Washing Estimated costs to have the District Amenity Center pressure washed. Pool Chemicals (Poolsure) STwheim Dmisitnrgic Pt oiso lus.n der contract with Poolsure for the chemicals of the Amenity Center Natural Gas gTrhiell sD. istrict is under contract with TECO Peoples Gas to provide gas for fire place and gas Electric Estimated costs for electric billed to the district by FPL. Rivers Edge III Community Development District General Fund 9 dEWissattitrmeicrat t &ebd yS ceJEowAset. sr for sewer, water, and irrigation for the amenity center billed to the RAAemmpeernneisitteyyn C tRsee nrpeteagrui.r l aarn cdle Raenpinlga,c seumpepnlietss , and repairs and replacements for District’s GRaerfbuasgee S deirsvpiocsea l services for the Amenity Centers provided Republic Services. Pest Control sTehrev iDciesst.r ict is contracted with Turner’s Pest Control to provide for pest control Fire Alarm System and Maintenance Estimated costs of fire alarm systems and maintenance. Access Cards Represents the estimated cost for access cards to the District’s Amenity Center. License/Permits oRfe Hpreeasltehn tins lSicte. Jnoshen fse eCso fuonrt aym foern tihtye c sewnitmerm ainndg p peoroml.i t fees paid to the Florida Department Special Events tRherporuegsheonutst ethstei mFiastceadl Yceoasrts. for the District to host special events for the community Holiday Decorations hRoelpidreasyesn. t s estimated costs for the District to decorate the Amenity center for the Office Supplies/Postage Costs of supplies and postage incurred for the operation of the Amenity Center. Capital Expenditures Represents new capital related purchases for the operation of the Amenity Center. General Reserve Establishment of general reserve to fund future replacements of Capital items. FY 2024 FY 2024 FY 2023 Land Use / Product Type peErR UUnit CPUularntritteesndt UnUpnlaitttsed TUonittasl ETRoUta'ls TotalE URnUp'lsatted AFBllYou c2da0gte2iot4n AsPseerNs sUemtnietnt AsPsGeerrs osUmsnsietnt AsPsGeerrs osUmsnsietnt IncrAeasPssGeeerr/s o(sUDmsnseiectnrtease) LeSSSSSsiiiiisnnnnn: gggggAllllleeeeed mFFFFFaaaaaimmmmmn iiiiiAllllliiiiisyyyyys -----eD C46678sesa00005v Fp'''''oe iiLLLLLnlNetooooooa lALeUApdltttttt menRe d aLAsrpmneese sAlsnd:sasi eDnsis teGtr:tsisyeIvseresvn tdCoesmr t cs euFeLaomennrutannitednnnvettssddeesrrt tsT oontUa FUnlYnpP 2pllaa(0l1att2ttt,2277ee4t(edd7393338 (Bd 10600984EEu ,,,,,,,,LRR03149595d01a05258055UUg1..n3701005005e''.d23411sst))) $718818,..909125288020%%000022 112443812372023465 1,51345281129702456 1113444012342044661......003441000000 132115503002446..0823..442246 $$$112348019,,,089559$$$055000 $$11,,2623$$$88000.....1600059000 $$11,,3704$$$27000.....0700057000 $$11,,3704$$$27000.....0700057000 $$$$$00000.....0000000000 Rivers Edge III Community Development District FY 2024 Operations and Maintenance Methodology Equivalent Residential Unit Allocation Assessments per Unit - Net and Gross 10 Adopted Actuals Total Adopted Budget as of Projected Budget Description FY2023 6/30/23 9/30/23 FY2024 Revenues Special Assessments ISCnpaterecrriyaeflso Atr Iswnsacerosdsmm Seuernptslu --s TDiarxe Cctollector $$$$ 113589 1337,,,,234502450222 $$$$ 113 15796367,,,,337923560257 $$$$ 113 15798367,,,,037902350257 $$$$ 113599 7347,,,,534904560225 Total Revenues $ 735,516 $ 744,374 $ 746,015 $ 753,259 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lEE Exxxpppeeennnssseee 15 5/1/11 $$$ 112077335,,,000022055 $$$ 112077335,,,000022055 $$$ 112077335,,,000022055 $$$ 112177000,,,055066055 Total Expenditures $ 551,050 $ 551,050 $ 551,050 $ 551,130 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 184,466 $ 193,324 $ 194,965 $ 202,129 L46GNDer00eoset'' ss LLvA sDeoo nTlttinosocput.a ma+ll e CAnostsl leescstmioennsUIt 126n8n02t%0ie22tsrest PaymePn$eGt1 $r1r,18 oU19s9n/s991it../992544 $ A sseG$$$ (s r 1112$$som009196s355928se,,,,,,n477903t489944s245957) Rivers Edge III Community Development District DebSt eSreirevsi c2e0 B2u1dget 11 DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111115555555555555555555///////////////////////////////////////000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111///////////////////////////////////////222222222222233333333333333333333444444000011112222333444455556666777788889999 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4455566677778888999,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,001222334555668888800012333356667788990000000000055555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$222222222222333333301112223344556677890000055555555555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1111111111111111111111111111111111899990000111122333344444455555566666677002660000002222224444555555558888889999,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,447790011223333333344445566668888888899000002222222222224455556666777788888888000000000555555555555555555555588888888 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$155555555555555555554444444444444555555700000005677888888899,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,001122223345555566790011111125666667777900000033333333555555 Rivers Edge III Community Development District Series 2021 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE 12 DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL Rivers Edge III Community Development District Series 2021 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE 05/01/43 $4,145,000 0000000011111111111111111155555555/////////////////0000000000000000011111111111111111/////////////////4444444444444555500113445566778899 $$$$$$$1122233$,,,,,,,003457952255558400555550,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$344444455012446799000055555,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1122334444556677800001111255778899,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000011115555778890000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$555555555444444555000667788,,,,,,,,,011225589000000000000000000 $9,475,000 $6,057,450 $15,532,450 13 Proposed Actual Next Total Adopted Budget as of Next 3 Projected Budget Description FY2023 06/30/23 Months 9/30/23 FY2024 ICCRnaaEtrpeVriryEteafNsol tUrRwEesaSer:rdve Funding - Transfer In $$$ --- $$$ --- $$$ 16,9 --41 $$$ 16,9 --41 $$$ 1306 ,,09 1040010 TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ - $ 16,941 $ 16,941 $ 47,041 EXPENDITURES: Repair and Replacements $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ - $ 16,941 $ 16,941 $ 42,041 Rivers Edge III Community Development District Capital Reserve Fund Budget 14